
Together We Will Endure

Run Club Week 1

Posted on March 24, 2024

Nearly 5 years ago we kicked off spring with the welcome of a Dūrātus Half Marathon group. While it may or may not be a goal of yours to run a half marathon this year- consider this your invite to join our virtual “Run Club”.
Since there have been multiple rumblings of interest in the Windermere half marathon, we want to provide the best experience leading up to some spring running events. Whether Bloomsday is your goal, you simply want to get better at running with friends, or you’re ready to nail a half marathon-
we’re ready to run.

Reach out to Moriah at with any questions.

Week 1 Programming:

These are meant to be additional pieces or align with the weekly programming.

Endurance Day or 30 Min Run (Pick one)

Programmed Strength
Programmed WOD
3x400m w/90 sec rest

WU: 10 min 4x 2 min on/2 min off
CD: 5 min

Optional in person 7:30am OG

Group Workout
8x3 back squats if not completed as front squats in part of class
To be performed in Tempo 3x3x1
Programmed WOD

Saturday or Sunday:
5 miles (only if you are not doing Bloomsday)

Bloomsday participants: pick intervals to run/walk for 30 min duration
ex. 5 min run, 2 min walk