
Together We Will Endure

Glossary of Terms

  • AMRAP = As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible
  • FT = For Time
  • SDHP = Sumo Deadlift High Pull
  • STOH = Shoulder To Overhead
  • DB = Dumbbell
  • WB = Wall Balls
  • UB = Unbroken
  • GTOH = Ground To Overhead
  • DU = Double Unders
  • TGU = Turkish Getups
  • EMOM = Every Minute On The Minute
  • EOMOM = Every Other Minute On The Minute
  • CTB = Chest To Bar
  • K2E = Knees To Elbows
  • T2B = Toes To Bar
  • OHS = Overhead Squat
  • ME = Max Effort
  • AFAP = As Fast As Possible
  • BURPEE OTB = Burpee Over The Bar

Friday Jan. 24



General Warm Up

x20 mountain climbers
x10 single leg hinge/ leg
x10 cossack squat/ leg
x10 lying y, t, m, swimmers
-30s deadbug hold

2 sets of 5 reps each with an empty barbell-
-kangaroo squat
-back squat

Back Squat

5 sets of 1 reps, 90% of last week's heaviest set
*rest at least 2 minutes between each set. Move quickly and deliberately throughout your ascent trying to pop the bar off of your shoulders.


W/ a partner:

alt. partner clean and jerk

synchro bar facing burpee

open: (185/ 135 - 135/ 95 - 95/ 65)
fitness: (135/ 95 - 95/ 65 - 65/ 55)
movement: (65/ 55)

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Thursday Jan. 23


All members (and plus 1s) are invited to our upcoming trivia night!

Friday Night, January 24th.
6:30pm drinks and chips/salsa will be ready (provided by Dūrātus) - trivia will start at 7pm.

Trivia will be led by Hans Liezen (trivia MC at Uprise Brewery and all around great guy!).

If you are so inclined, feel free to bring an appetizer or dessert to share during the evening.

This is will be a fun community event and way to further get to hang out with your gym friends.


General Warm UP
x20 pass through
x20 supine pass through
x20 wrist rotations both directions
x10 forearm stretch fingertips facing towards you
x10 forearm stretch fingertips facing away from you
x10 forearm stretch rotations fingertips facing away from you
x20 scap push ups
x10 yoga push up

Handstand Skill Practice

Free standing handstand hold practice; practice kicking up into a handstand and holding still in one place, align your body in the same way you would during the walk walks, come back down under control

ii) Box pike push up (scale back to gymnastics push up if necessary) :3 sets x 3-6 reps, (1111 tempo)
*INCREASE each set 1-2 reps from last week*


Rope climb Practice:

10 minutes of coach led practice with the leg lock for the rope climb.

20-minute EMOM:

minute 1). 1 standard rope climbs *leg lock focus*
minute 2). 12-16 toes to bar
minute 3). 1 standard rope climbs *leg lock focus*
minute 4). 12-16 GHD hip-extensions

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Wednesday Jan. 22


Dūrātus merch is ready of pick up!
If you pre-ordered, your stuff is set out in the office.
Please let the coach of your class know you are going to grab it. Make sure the stickie note is accurate to what was set out, then put the stickie note on the desk and take/enjoy your new clothes.

All cards will be charged by end of the week. For the few that want to bring cash/check, either coordinate with Kevin or put payment in a labeled envelope and deposit in the black metal box underneath the whiteboard before you pick up your stuff.
T-shirts are $27.25 and Sweatshirts are $49.05.





General Warm UP

30' of each dynamic stretch:
-spider man lunge
-crab walk
-knee hugs
-standing pigeon
-high kick toe touch
-pogo hops
-high knees
-forward skips
-skips for height
-skips for distance
-air squat to broad jump

10 reps of each with an empty barbell-
-back squat
-behind the neck snatch grip press
-snatch grip rdl
-tall muscle snatch

Skill Practice

Snatch balance; 4x2 *pause in the bottom
-rest 30s between sets-
ii). (optional complex)
*use the following complex to help you build towards your working weight if you desire*

3-4 sets of:
x1 - 3-pause snatch pull (1" off ground, below knee, high hang)
x1 - 2-pause power snatch + overhead squat (below knee, mid thigh)
x1 - squat snatch


6 sets of 1 rep, 90% of last week's heaviest set

*drop and reset each rep so that you can reinforce a proper set up and pull from the ground*


Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds:

x6 step back lunge + dynamic step up / side*
-200 meter run
-90 second C2 bike sprints, 10/8 damper setting

*This movement is intended to be loaded. Select a method that is most comfortable for you while allowing you to challenge yourself during the set. Show control at the top of each rep before returning back to the beginning.

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Tuesday Jan. 21


All members (and plus 1s) are invited to our upcoming trivia night!

Friday Night, January 24th.
6:30pm drinks and chips/salsa will be ready (provided by Dūrātus) - trivia will start at 7pm.

Trivia will be led by Hans Liezen (trivia MC at Uprise Brewery and all around great guy!).

If you are so inclined, feel free to bring an appetizer or dessert to share during the evening.

This is will be a fun community event and way to further get to hang out with your gym friends.


Option to perform the posted CP for the day after the conditioning


W/ one kettlebell:


-goblet squat
-single arm kettlebell push press
-kettlebell swing

-rest 30 seconds between each new round-

*Push presses are total reps each round. If you are bothered that the reps on each arm are uneven every other set, then remember which arm you ended on during your previous set and pick up where you left off

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Monday Jan. 20


Regular Schedule Today.

Come join us Friday evening for our Dūrātus community night....TRIVIA!
Starts at 6:30PM with drinks and snacks - trivia will begin around 7pm.

Looking forward to see you there!



General Warm Up

30' of each -
-sampson lunge
straight leg bear crawl
-knee hug
-standing pig
-side lunge
-side shuffles w/ arm swing
-forward skater jumps

10 reps of each with an empty barbell -
-front squat
-strict press
-clean grip rdl
-rack delivery

Skill Practice

High Hang Squat Cleans; 4x3 *pause in the catch
(start with an empty bar and add 0-10 pounds per set)
-rest 30s between sets-
*Use the following complex to help you build towards your working weight if you desire*

3-4 sets of:
x1 - 3-pause clean pull (1" off ground, below knee, high hang)
x1 - 2-pause power clean + jerk (below knee, mid-thigh)
x1 - squat clean + jerk

Clean & Jerks

6 sets of 1 rep, 90% of last week's heaviest set

*drop and reset each rep so that you can reinforce a proper set up and pull from the ground*


For time:

x15 chest to bar pull-up
x15 overhead squat
x30 echo bike calories
x12 chest to bar pull-up
x12 overhead squat
x24 echo bike calories
x12 overhead squat
x12 chest to bar pull-up
x30 echo bike calories
x15 overhead squat
x15 chest to bar pull-up
open: 115/ 85 lbs.
fitness: 85/ 65 lbs, pull-ups
movement: 45/ 35 lbs, ring rows

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

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