
Together We Will Endure

Glossary of Terms

  • AMRAP = As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible
  • FT = For Time
  • SDHP = Sumo Deadlift High Pull
  • STOH = Shoulder To Overhead
  • DB = Dumbbell
  • WB = Wall Balls
  • UB = Unbroken
  • GTOH = Ground To Overhead
  • DU = Double Unders
  • TGU = Turkish Getups
  • EMOM = Every Minute On The Minute
  • EOMOM = Every Other Minute On The Minute
  • CTB = Chest To Bar
  • K2E = Knees To Elbows
  • T2B = Toes To Bar
  • OHS = Overhead Squat
  • ME = Max Effort
  • AFAP = As Fast As Possible
  • BURPEE OTB = Burpee Over The Bar

Wednesday Mar. 12


Kipping Pull Up Practice

-3x30s hollow rock, rest 30 seconds between sets
-3x8-12 beat swing, rest 30 seconds between sets
-Accumulate 90s of hollow body top of pull up holds, rest 60 seconds during breaks
-10x1 kipping pull up w/ a pause at the top of each rep, *practice maintaining hollow at the top and "push" away from the bar to return to the bottom

Death by strict pull ups


3 rounds:

15 wall balls, 30/ 20
12 GHD sit-ups
9 deadlift, 185/ 135

-rest 3 minutes-

3 rounds:

15 toes to bar
12 wall balls, 30/ 20
3 cleans, 185/ 135

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Tuesday Mar. 11


It's that time of year again...spring cleaning.
By end of week all lost and found will be donated to Goodwill.

If you know you are missing something, be sure and take a look before it's all gone!



RDL *from the rack
4x8-12 reps
Deficit Push Up
4xmax reps


EMOM until failure

x1(+1) burpee box jump over
x1 - 30/ 30 shuttle

*work must be completed in 45s*

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Monday Mar. 10


We will be putting in an order for LMNT salts later this week. This is a great time to stock up on a solid electrolyte option as we head into the summer.

We can get boxes of 30 salt packets for $35 + tax (saves $10 on retail) or 12 salt packets for $18 + tax (saves $4 on retail). If you are interested in jumping in on the order, please email by Wednesday evening and we will get you added.


20 minute "AMRAP"

x6/4 calorie row
x1 snatch
*power or squat

*With a 20-minute clock, flow through the above "AMRAP". You will start with an empty barbell and add 5-10 pounds to the bar each completed rep. Continue to flow through the cycle in order to build to a heavy single.

*If you fail a rep on the snatch, you may try again at that weight before having to move on to the rower. Once you have completed another set of calories on the rower after a failed snatch you may opt to drop the weight on the bar. You are allotted only 2 failed reps per round before having to move back to the rower.

*Partner up and have one partner start on the 30s mark in order to conserve space and equipment as well as keep the pace high.


3 rounds for time:

x5 DB thruster
x7 DB squat
x11 DB devils press
400m run

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Friday Mar. 07


Mobility focus for warm will be on the front rack.

1 round at moderate pace
x15/12 row cals with 10/8 damper
x20 WBs
x30 DUs
1 round AFAP
x15/12 row cals with 10/8 damper
x20 WBs
x30 DUs

*rest for enough time to allow heart rate to steady and lower.


CF Open 25.2
21 pull-ups
42 double-unders
21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
36 double-unders
18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscle-ups
30 double-unders
15 thrusters (weight 3)

Time cap: 12 minutes

Thruster weights for women - 65, 75, 85
Thruster weights for men - 95, 115, 135 lb

*Scaling and modification options will be provided on whiteboard at gym.

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Thursday Mar. 06


Snatch Complex

Every 2.5 minutes for 6 rounds-

Power snatch + hang squat snatch

*start with a light weight and move the barbell explosively
*treat this as a technique day more than a strength day


For time:

x200-meter run
x12 barbell step back lunges
x400-meter run
x12 barbell step back lunges
x200-meter run
x12 barbell step back lunges
x400-meter run
x12 barbell step back lunges
x200-meter run

*Barbell loaded to equal 3/4 of body weight

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

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