Together We Will Endure
Glossary of Terms
- AMRAP = As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible |
- FT = For Time |
- SDHP = Sumo Deadlift High Pull |
- STOH = Shoulder To Overhead |
- DB = Dumbbell |
- WB = Wall Balls |
- UB = Unbroken |
- GTOH = Ground To Overhead |
- DU = Double Unders |
- TGU = Turkish Getups |
- EMOM = Every Minute On The Minute |
- EOMOM = Every Other Minute On The Minute |
- CTB = Chest To Bar |
- K2E = Knees To Elbows |
- T2B = Toes To Bar |
- OHS = Overhead Squat |
- ME = Max Effort |
- AFAP = As Fast As Possible |
- BURPEE OTB = Burpee Over The Bar
Monday Sep. 16
2 rounds-
x20 pass throughs
-30s dead-hang from pull up bar
x20 wrist rotations/ both directions
-30' straight leg bear crawl (
(lean your weight into your hands)
x20 crab walk hip bridge reach (
A. Pull Ups
4x4-6 reps *build to a heavy 6
(increase reps before increasing weight, if you performed 6 reps for all sets last week then increase weight by 5 pounds and drop down to 4 reps this week)
B. Core Work
3 rounds:
*30s on/ 30s off
-parallette tucks
-ring rows
-russian twists
*use a light weight and move fast
-lying superman's
3 rounds for time:
400 meter run
x15 chest to bar pull ups
x21 dumbbell thrusters (40/ 30)
3 rounds for time:
400 meter run
x15 pull ups
x21 dumbbell thrusters (30/20)
3 rounds for time:
400 meter run
x10-15 jumping pull ups
x15 dumbbell thrusters (25/15)
Friday Sep. 13
Minutes 0-10
2 rounds-
x20 cossack squats *use a counterbalance and stay low as you shift from leg to leg
x20 GHD hip extensions
x20 90/90 hip rotations
Minutes 10-22
Posterior Chain Strength).
Barbell Romanian Deadlifts:
4x8-12 reps
(increase reps before adding weight, add 5-10 pounds if needed)
Minutes 22-34
Single Leg Strength).
Zercher hold step back lunges:
3x8-12 reps/ leg
(increase reps before adding weight, add 5-10 pounds if needed
Minutes 40-60
3 rounds:
x500m row
x20 wallballs (20/ 14 lbs.)
x500m row
x10 power snatches (95/ 65 lbs.)
3 rounds:
x500m row
x20 wallballs (14/ 10 lbs.)
x500m row
x10 power snatches (75/ 55 lbs.)
3 rounds:
x500m row
x20 wallballs (14/ 10 lbs.)
x500m row
x10 power snatches (empty bar.)
Thursday Sep. 12
Extended coach led mobility as a cool down.
35 minutes:
-400 meter run
-200' d-ball carry
-200' heavy farmers carry
x40 calorie echo bike
*In order to smoothly flow through this workout, classes
*pick an open peice of equiptment
*don't whine
Wednesday Sep. 11
Minutes 0-5
a). Counterbalance squat w/ kettlebell; 3-minute in the bottom of the squat (shit side-to-side, hold weight on your knee in order to stretch out your calves, ect. to stretch out your legs)
Minutes 5-10
BB Warm Up).
2 sets-
x5 mid-thigh RDLs (focus on shoulders staying in front of the bar)
x5 mid-thigh RDL jumps
x5 mid-thigh high pulls
x5 mid-thigh power snatches
x5 overhead squats
x3 3-position squat snatches (pausing at the high hang, mid-thigh, and mid shin positions on the way up and down)
Minutes 10-24
Oly Work.
2-position segmented power snatches + overhead squat:
-rest 2 minutes between sets-
(add 0-10 pounds from last week)
("3+1" refers to performing 3 2-position segmented power snatches and then 1 overhead squat. In other words, each set will be 3 power snatches + 1 overhead squat)
Minutes 24-36
Pause push press:
-rest 2 minutes between sets-
(add 0-10 pounds from last week)
*Pause at the bottom of the dip before driving the bar overhead. Do not "bounce" out of the bottom with momentum. Drive out of the bottom of your drip from a dead stop.
Minutes 40-60
Optional Conditioning:
E4MOM for 5 rounds
-200' sled push (75/50 on sled)
-50 DUs
E4MOM for 5 rounds
-200' sled push (25/15 on sled)
-50 heavy single unders
Tuesday Sep. 10
Minutes 0-10
2 rounds-
x20 pass throughs
-30s dead-hang from pull up bar
x20 wrist rotations/ both directions
-30' straight leg bear crawl (lean your weight into your hands)
x20 crab walk hip bridge reach
Minutes 10-22
Weighted Pull Ups).
*increase reps before increasing the added weight
*Just like in any other movement that we perform; increased weight should not result in a decrease in range of motion. From a hollow position, initiate this movement by pulling your shoulders down and back before bending your elbows
Minutes 22-36
Core Work).
3 rounds for quality-
x12-20 hanging leg raise (straight leg if possible)
-r 30s
x12-20 ring push-ups *chest to deck* (elevate hands as needed)
-r 30s
x12-20 alternating leg v-ups/ side
-r 30s
(modify movements in order to perform a full range of motion in any of the movements)
8-minute AMRAP-
x7 toes to bar
x14 double dumbbell cleans (50/ 35 lbs.)
x7 box jumps (30/ 24" box)
8-minute AMRAP-
x7 toes to bar
x14 double dumbbell cleans (40/ 30 lbs.)
x7 box jumps (24/ 20" box)
8-minute AMRAP-
x7 sit ups
x14 double dumbbell cleans (35/ 25 lbs.)
x7 box jumps (20" box)
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