
Together We Will Endure

Glossary of Terms

  • AMRAP = As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible
  • FT = For Time
  • SDHP = Sumo Deadlift High Pull
  • STOH = Shoulder To Overhead
  • DB = Dumbbell
  • WB = Wall Balls
  • UB = Unbroken
  • GTOH = Ground To Overhead
  • DU = Double Unders
  • TGU = Turkish Getups
  • EMOM = Every Minute On The Minute
  • EOMOM = Every Other Minute On The Minute
  • CTB = Chest To Bar
  • K2E = Knees To Elbows
  • T2B = Toes To Bar
  • OHS = Overhead Squat
  • ME = Max Effort
  • AFAP = As Fast As Possible
  • BURPEE OTB = Burpee Over The Bar

Tuesday Oct. 22


Minutes 0-10

2 rounds-
x10 ring rows
x10 push ups
x10 GHD hip extensions
x10 hanging leg raises
Minutes 10-20
Barbell bent over row;
3x6-12 reps
*select an appropriate weight for the selected rep range, leave a few reps in the tank each set
Minutes 20-30
Accessory Core).
3 rounds;
Barbell roll-out, 4-10 reps
Dumbbell pull-over, 8-16 reps


"Strict Helen"

3 rounds:
-400 meter run
x21 kettlebell swings
x12 strict pull-ups

(53/ 35 lb. kettlebell)

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Monday Oct. 21


Minutes 0-10
W/ a partner -

P1: Echo bike or row
P2: Dynamic stretching movement

Partners will switch each time a partner completes a down and back (30'/ 30')

-side shuffle with overhead arm swing (down and back)
-straight legged bear crawl (down)/ crab walk (back)
-high kicks (down)/ single leg hinge (back)
-spiderman lunge w/ overhead reach (down)/ air squat broad jump (back)

Minutes 10-15
BB Warm Up).
1 set-
x5 mid-thigh RDLs (focus on shoulders staying in front of the bar)
x5 mid-thigh RDL jump
x5 mid-thigh high pulls
x5 mid-thigh power cleans
x5 front squats
x3 3-position squat cleans (pausing at the high hang, mid-thigh, and mid shin positions on the way up and down)

*The intent of this barbell warm up should be to practice staying balanced throughout the lift, maintaining a close proximity of the bar to your legs, and prioritizing a full extension of the legs during the pull before using the arms to assist in the catch on the shoulders.

Minutes 15-27
Oly Work).
Power Clean + Front Squat + Squat Clean;

*drop the weight 10-20% from last week, this will serve as a deload while we get acquainted with the new complex

*We are progressing from pauses and slow pulls of the olympic lifts to full speed movements. The pauses and slow movements helped to reinforce proper positioning and technique which we will continue to maintain as we begin to shift our focus to fast and explosive pulls from the floor. Lifting heavier and heavier loads will be the priority over the next several months which is why we will begin to integrate the full (squat variations) of the olympic lifts.

Minutes 27-39
Front Squats;

*drop weight 10-20% from last week and focus on speed out of the hole

*No more pause or tempo. These are standard front squats, maintain balance as you squat under control and drive quickly out of the bottom of your squat


With 1 minute of work and 1 minute of rest:

Round 1:
x10 d-ball cleans
-max echo bike calories in the remainder of the minute

Round 2:
x8 d-ball cleans
-max echo bike calories in the remainder of the minute

Round 3:
x6 d-ball cleans
-max echo bike calories in the remainder of the minute

Round 4:
x4 d-ball cleans
-max echo bike calories in the remainder of the minute

Round 5:
x2 d-ball cleans
-max echo bike calories in the remainder of the minute

*select an appropriate weighted sandbag or d-ball that challenges you to complete all 10 reps in the first round

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Friday Oct. 18


Minutes 0-5
a). 2-minute scapular shoulder smash / side

Minutes 5-15
BB Warm Up).
1 sets-
x5 mid-thigh RDLs (focus on shoulders staying in front of the bar)
x5 mid-thigh RDL jumps
x5 mid-thigh high pulls
x5 mid-thigh power snatches
x5 overhead squats
x3 3-position squat snatches (pausing at the high hang, mid-thigh, and mid shin positions on the way up and down)

Minutes 15-30
Oly Work).
Slow pull power snatch +Overhead squat:

*During the "slow pull" you should focus on passing through both "phases" of the pull that we have been working on during the last three weeks with our pauses. The slow pull is intended to add fluidity to the transition from one phase to the next during the pull from the floor.

*As a reminder, the "leg-press" is the phase from the floor to roughly the knee. During this phase your back angle will stay the same and the movement will be initiated through the extension of your knees. The "sweep" phase is from roughly the knee to the high hang. During this phase you will keep the bar close to your legs as it travels up your thighs and your torso becomes slightly more vertical

("2+1" refers to performing 2 2-slow pull power snatches and then 1 overhead squat. In other words, each set will be 2 power snatches + 1 overhead squat)


Minutes 30-45
Push Press).
Push Press w/ controlled eccentric lower (3 count lower from overhead to the rack position)

*The point of the slow eccentric for us is to develop control throughout the entire press. The last 3 weeks focused on development of proper posture and depth specifically in the bottom of the dip. Now we will increase the time of each rep and slow the eccentric portion down to re-enforce this strong posture and position of our shoulders


For time:

x30 power snatch
x30 handstand push ups
open - 95/ 65 lbs.
fitness - 75/ 55 lbs, box pike push ups
movement - empty barbell, chest to deck push ups

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Thursday Oct. 17


40-minute AMRAP


C2 bike calories

*200m run after each rep set

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

Wednesday Oct. 16


2 rounds
x10 unweighted or light weight single leg RDL's / leg
x10 low cossack squats/ leg
x5 KB windmills/ arm
Posterior Strength).

Barbell RDL:

Zercher Hold Step Back Lunge:
3x8-12 reps/ leg *BUILD TO A HEAVY FINAL SET*


2 rounds:

x30 kettlebell swing
x15 overhead squat
x30/ 21 calorie row
open - 53/ 35 lb. KB, 95/ 65 lb. barbell
fitness - 53/ 35 lb. KB, 75/ 55 lb. barbell
movement - 35/ 26 lb. KB, empty barbell

**CP posted on Gym whiteboard**

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