Together We Will Endure
Dūrātus (dur-ah-toos) sure is an odd sounding word...this might have been your first thought. It sounds odd because it's not english, it's latin. This word was not chosen at random. It's actually filled with meaning. Dūrātus means to "endure" or "harden"-- this word signifies the journey to become "hardened" in fitness and character.
It's a journey that will take endurance.
Dūrātus started with the belief that "going to the gym" could be about more than a workout. What if fitness was not cardio or machines or "chest and back" days?
Could fitness be transformative? Can our fitness be directly correlated to our development as people?
We believe it can.
Dūrātus is not your typical gym. It's a place that uses fitness to challenge fear, develop discipline and create community.
Dūrātus exists to be more than a gym. We are a community of people not only seeking to become all that we can, but also seeking the betterment of our city, which we love.
We believe it should.
Wednesday Feb. 12
Our Annual Galentines Event is Coming!
All Dūrātus ladies are invited to join.
Saturday, February 15th from 8am-10am. Fitness, food, drinks, and friendship!
We would love for all ladies to join this great community event!
Remember - our regular 9am class this AM is canceled due to “Galentines”, the 10am lifting and 11am DSC class are still happening!
Skill work has been removed from the final build week in order to fully focus on your heavy singles. If you desire to use the skill work from the previous weeks as a warmup then by all means do so.
**(optional complex)**
*use the following complex to help you build towards your working weight if you desire*
3-4 sets of:
x1 - 3-pause snatch pull (1" off ground, below knee, high hang)
x1 - 2-pause power snatch + overhead squat (below knee, mid thigh)
x1 - squat snatch
This is your final week to build in weight before the deload. Take your time between sets and make each rep count.
4 sets of 1 rep, 85-95% of 1 rep max
(rest 2-4 minutes between sets)
With a partner:
3 rounds each-
x24/ 19 calorie echo bike
- kettlebell front rack wall sit (*heavy)
(partner on bike can only accumulate calories if other partner is holding wall sit_
- 5:30 am
S&C Class - 6:30 am
S&C Class - 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Open Gym - 9:30 am
S&C Class - 12:00 pm
S&C Class - 1:00 pm
S&C Class - 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Competitive Training - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Open Gym - 4:30 pm
S&C Class - 5:30 pm
S&C Class - 6:30 pm
S&C Class