Together We Will Endure
Kids Dūrātus - (Durakids) is about kids having fun! Functional fun! As well, it is providing a strength, conditioning and wellness program as an alternative to the sedentary lifestyle. It is designed to be challenging and socially interactive while delivering broad, general and inclusive fitness to our next generation. The program will not just be about physical fitness, but mental fitness, social fitness, and emotional fitness as well.
Durakids will learn proper functional movements (push, pull, run, jump, lift, throw, climb, etc.) to improve general fitness and prepare for sports resiliency. All workouts will be scalable to meet the exact needs of the individual athlete. Also, current research is showing that exercise is greatly beneficial to cognitive function and learning, leading to success in school as well. Young athletes will also get exposure to discussions on proper nutrition, team work and mental fortitude in a nonthreatening environment.
Safety will be paramount, but FUN and confidence building are what we are here for. Let us help your child lay a sound foundation from which to navigate all that life can throw at them.
Email at or call 208.661.4724 for more information