
Together We Will Endure

Run Club Week 7- almost time!

May 05, 2024

Well done, Bloomies!  Congrats on a rainy but delightful race. I hope you enjoyed a fresh warm pair of socks and got a taste of a (way more packed) running event for the nearing half marathon/10k participants!  

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Run Club Week 4

April 11, 2024

Week 4 Training Goals: Continue playing with fueling and pacing in combination with our low HR training for your long duration run this week.

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Run Club Week 3

April 07, 2024

Week 3 Training Goal: Begin playing with fueling for a long run & getting comfortable running for 40 min for Bloomsday participants!

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Run Club Week 1

March 24, 2024

Nearly 5 years ago we kicked off spring with the welcome of a Dūrātus Half Marathon group. While it may or may not be a goal of yours to run a half marathon this year- consider this your invite to join our virtual “Run Club”. Since there have been multiple rumblings of interest in the Windermere half marathon, we want to provide the best experience leading up to some spring running events. Whether Bloomsday is your goal, you simply want to get better at running with friends, or you’re ready to nail a half marathon- we’re ready to run. Reach out to Moriah at with any questions.

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A Resolution on Resolutions

January 01, 2022

I have not been particularly fond of New-Year's-resolutions. They seem to be limiting in both the timeliness of their implementation as well as their desired outcome. I have never quite understood why a person would wait until the 1st of January to do something that they clearly want to do in the present moment and I have found myself bored with the 1 dimensional goals of drinking less alcohol or reading more books (which by the way are two of my pursuits this year, so please don’t think that I am suggesting these are bad). I just believe that there is a more engaging and worthwhile approach to making long lasting change.

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Holiday League 2021

December 08, 2021

Come Celebrate Christmas with a workout and food! Saturday, December 18th 9:00am Community workout! This can be done with a partner or by yourself if you want. It will be mostly bodyweight movements and likely on the longer side. Directly following - we will be continue our celebration with a potluck brunch/breakfast! Bring muffins, an egg dish, fruit, a pile of sausage...whatever you want to contribute. We will provide the coffee and mimosas! For the last couple of years we have sought to partner with a local non-profit to give back to our community. As we lead up to our Christmas Celebration, we are planning to raise money for Spokane’s Eastside Reunion Association (SERA). They are located less than a mile from Dūrātus and serve our neighborhood in a variety of ways. Primarily, each summer they host a 8 week basketball camp for kids throughout Spokane. Last year they provided scholarships for the overwhelming majority of their participants. Their mission is to be a place that welcomes any/all kids from Spokane and teaches a healthy lifestyle through the sport of Basketball. Since opening, we have held the belief that Dūrātus can and should always be about more than just a perusal pursuit of fitness. So, if you have a couple extra bucks that you want to contribute, feel free to bring it in and contribute.

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An Open Letter To Our Community.

June 11, 2020

I apologize at the onset, but this will be a long post. Not because I enjoy my opinions or thoughts being heard, but because what I am about to share requires more than a short definitive statement.

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Covid 19 Phase 2 Protocols

May 28, 2020

After 10 weeks of mandated closure - Dūrātus is set to reopen. Given the ongoing reality of the COVID19 pandemic, how we reopen will look very different. The below will highlight our phase 2 opening framework and Business/Customer protocols.

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Coming Changes

October 16, 2019

Dear Valued Members, I wanted to write a quick note informing you of a few upcoming changes. As of January 1st, 2020 - our monthly membership rates are set to increase. We are increasing rates by 6-8% across the on all membership plans - this will account for a $5-$10 increase monthly. The last time we increased our rates was 3 years ago, February 2017. We certainly do not take this lightly, but with increased costs, tax liabilities, and the desire to compensate our coaches appropriately it's a step that needs to be taken. I have done some research on other gyms in the area to find that our new prices are still very much competitive (and even lower in some cases). These changes will begin occurring in January on the regular date that your payment is drawn. Secondly, we are in need to update all of our waivers. This is a practice we try to implement every 2 years or so. To make life easier - we have built the waiver into our website. In order to complete the waiver, you will first create a login and password. This makes you “active” in the system. So, in the following two months, we are kindly asking that you go to our site and fill out the new waiver. From there, we are actually now able to purchase membership plans through the site. We will work to move everyone over to the new platform, but first we need new waivers on file as only “active” members are able to make purchases. Beyond a more seamless experience, running all memberships through the website will automatically enroll everyone to receive, for free, the full programing (Dcp) that we offer for purchase to those outside of our gym community. Once you are in the system - we will help you walk through making the change to our new platform. As always, we deeply appreciate your continued business. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, Kevin

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The Open Is Coming

July 02, 2016

First, here is a short description of what the CrossFit Open actually is: It's a 5 week competition put on by CrossFit Inc., but done at CrossFit Dūrātus. Starting Thursday February 25th, a workout will be released at 5pm. Every participant will have until the following Monday at 5pm to do the workout and post a score to the open website. This happens with the same pattern for 5 weeks. The open is truly accessible for all athletes, as there are RX, masters, teenage, and scalable divisions. Whether you sign up or not, Dūrātus will program the released open workout on each Friday during the completion. Alright, now let me tell you why I think its important.

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Feed the Wolf

January 03, 2016

I have never been one for new years' resolutions. In fact, I have tended to scoff at the proposition of resolutions because I have seldom seen them followed through with in others lives. It’s very challenging to make a significant difference in actions unless there is a cognitive or value change that undergirds the difference you are seeking.

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Pull-Ups for Pirates

October 11, 2015

Come join us October 24th at Crossfit Duratus for "Pull Ups for Pirates," a fundraiser benefiting the Rogers High School Football Team.

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May 18, 2015

There was a tragic event this last weekend, involving one of our own. On his walk home, Zach Bermingham, was the victim of a hit and run.

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Open Recap

April 06, 2015

​The clock has been put back in its place, which indicates the 2015 CrossFit Open has come and gone. I must say I am astonished by the participation and effort of CrossFit Dūrātus’ members this year.

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Growing and We Know It

March 10, 2015

Maybe you have noticed; certainly you have if you regularily attend the 5:30am or 5:00pm, some of our classes have gotten pretty big. Almost unwieldly. Now, the energy and intesity and excitement contained in a class of 20+ excercisers is really fun. Almost intoxicating, but classes of this size all the time are not our ideal.

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June Brings Changes

June 01, 2014

You will notice that the regular nightly post looks a little different. What is "CP" you might ask - well it stands for competitor's piece.

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The End Of The Open

April 03, 2014

I have never been one to use writing as a vehicle to express my feelings about something. I have tended toward the spoken word much more than the written.

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Crossfit Competition Season

January 27, 2014

The CrossFit open is the beginning of the annual crossfit competition season. It's a competition open to anyone in the world - taking place over 5 weeks (beginning February 27th). Each week, a new workout will be released on Thursday evening ...

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On To California

June 10, 2013

Last weekend the CrossFit Spokane Valley team (of which I am a part) competed in the Northwest Regionals for a chance to go to the CrossFit Games this summer.

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